Monday, December 22, 2008

New Feature! Blogs I Read Daily (Latest Updates)

Of course this is new for me as opposed to other Bloggers who have been using this feature for awhile!

Anyway, this gives my readers an opportunity to see the titles of the latest posts from some of the math bloggers who have been so generous in their support for MathNotations. These are also some of the bloggers for whom I have great respect and whose articles I particularly enjoy reading. Please note that this is a partial listing - I'm not done yet! I just felt the need to get started being so late into this. There are several other math or edublogs that I enjoy and highly recommend. They will be added in due time -- just don't be mad at me if you don't see yours listed yet!

Check out the sidebar to see this feature. You won't see this if you just read my feed so occasionally my subscribers may want to visit the site! For now I am still keeping my blogroll which is more extensive than the above. At some point I may revise the blogroll or even delete it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the link! There hasn't been much to read at my place the past few months, but here's hoping that will improve with the new year...