Monday, December 31, 2018


5 executives are each assigned their own parking spot. On any given day 0 thru 5 of these spots may be filled. Total # of ways for these spaces to be occupied? Other math connections, examples?


Use new contact form at top of right sidebar to contact me directly. Note: If you'd like detailed solutions and Common Core strategies for my Twitter problems emailed daily, see info at top of sidebar.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Twitter Problem 12-27-18

Compare, contrast
 0.1111... (base 2) and
0.9999... (base 10)

@dmarain @HarMath @johnjoy1966 @benjamin_leis @mrdardy @aranglancy @MrATeachesMath #MathProbs_Pedagogy

Use new contact form at top of right sidebar to contact me directly. Note: If you'd like detailed solutions and Common Core strategies for my Twitter problems emailed daily, see info at top of sidebar.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Use new contact form at top of right sidebar to contact me directly. Note: If you'd like detailed solutions and Common Core strategies for my Twitter problems emailed daily, see info at top of sidebar.

From my Twitter account 12-21-18
The 1st 4 terms of a sequence of integers are
(a) Write the 10th term
(b) Using algebra describe how to construct the nth term (its...


Use new contact form at top of right sidebar to contact me directly. Note: If you'd like detailed solutions and Common Core strategies for my Twitter problems emailed daily, see info at top of sidebar.

From my Twitter account @dmarain  12-24-18

x²=1: 2 integer solns
x²+y²=2: 4 solns
x²+y²+z²=3: 8 solns
(1) x²+y²+z²+w²=4 How many?
(2) Write eqn for 8 vars. How many solns?
Note: For @benjamin_leis use 2019 vars!😊
@mrdardy @HarMath  @aranglancy @MrATeachesMath